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Cara nak buat semua link dibuka pada windows baru.

Selasa, 8 Mac 2011 , Posted by Mohd Fadzli bin Ripin at 4:04 PTG

Nie, Cari kat google jumpa lak....

Fungsi dia untuk sapa yang tak tahu adalah untuk mengelakkan orang meninggalkan page kita dengan membuka satu page yang baru pada windows yang baru. 


How to make all links open in new windows 

This request to make all hyperlinks pops up every now and then so might as well make a post for it. To make all links open in new window is amazingly simple. Just sign into
to open template editor

Use keyboard shortcut ctrl+F  to find <head> and immediately after that, add a single line <base target='_blank' /> so that it become

<base target='_blank' />

Save the edited template and viola, all links in your
blog will now open in new tabs or windows.

Note: Blogger is now XHTML so all tags must have matching closing tags or be self closing. The above tag is self closing because it has that forward slash / at the end of the tag. 

Senang jer kan?

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